SunRav WEB Class version history

Version 3.7 17.03.2014

+ Responsible design support. Now SunRav WEB Class may works on all devices: from mobile phone up to computers with big screen.
+ New visual themes.
+ Testing date may be limited.
+ Average data in group reports.
+ Users may change visual theme and interface language.
* User name and group instead user login on the page top.
- Problem with Flash under FireFox was fixed.


+ You may select any text as HTML code.
+ Export of OLE objects as image.
* "Smart" insertion of flash files.
* Video and audio export according HTML5 standards.

Version 3.6 02.02.2014

+ New module: Support.
+ Required fields validation.
* New controls for some types of fields (date, number, email).
- Problem with adding test without FTP was fixed.

Version 3.5 02.10.2013

+ Add test into database without FTP.

New version of SunRav BookEditor

- New "ribbon" interface.
- New inherited styles;
- Editor rendering options added;
- New HTML theme and HTML template: Bootstrap;
+ HTML and XML export: file name mask for images, flash and multimedia files.
+ HTML and XML export: UTF-8 support.
+ HTML and XML export: contents tree images quality was increased.
+ HTML and XML export: "Autoplay" option for Flash files was fixed.
- Popup menu for editor was combined with check spelling menu;
- Autosize for inserted Flash files;

Version 3.4 13.03.2012

+ New field "User information" in group report.
+ New visual theme twiboostrap.
* New setup/update interface.
* Performance optimization for reports.
* Size of user's answers was reduced.
* Multiline editor for translations.
- Small bugs was fixed.

Version 3.3.1 13.09.2011

* Sorting of users and groups by name during login.
- Issue with answering a question by pressing ENTER was solved.

Version 3.3 15.11.2010

! Interrupted test may be completed later.
* IP address as base address in configuration.
* Field size for answer was increased.
! Actions was added. Now you may customize user's permissions more flexible.
+ Right answer in testing results.
+ User login and group during testing in caption.
* Correct working on any port (not only 80).
tMaker: New (more protected) format of tests.
tMaker: Popup hints for any text was added.
tMaker: Test packing by removing text formatting.
tMaker: Progress bar for opening and saving the test.

Version 2.3.2 26.06.2006

+ Latvian localization.
+ New fields for installation: language and charset (code page).
- Update bug fixed (added in version 2.3).
- Test deletion bug fixed (added in version 2.3).
- Wrong questions order in some tests (added in version 2.3).


+ Topics sorting.
* Redesign of main icons.
- Weight of answer bug fixed.
- Some errors fixed.

Version 2.3 29.05.2006

! Upload all neccessary files on WEB server from tMaker.
+ New propery of topic: show or not show results by topic in testing results.
+ Deletion of several tests simultaneously.
+ Deletion of several users simultaneously.
+ Limitation of maximum testing number.
+ Shuffle of variants of answers.
+ Sorting of questions by topics in examination mode.
+ Answer time in report.
+ Start and finish time in results page.
+ New field for installation: administrator password.
* Blocking of "Answer" button (optional).
- Some errors fixed.

Version 2.2 03.02.2006

+ Flash and GIF animation support added.
+ Hide and show any group.
+ Test description.
+ User name in statistics.
+ Testing without login (optional).
+ Selecting some groups and tests simultaneously in the group report.
+ Selecting some groups simultaneously in the user report.
+ New buttons in the test edit script: set up min and max values of examination questions.
* No need enter login/password/host for update anymore - just press "Update DB" button.
* Message about incorrect login/password.
- Some errors fixed.

Version 2.1 17.11.2005

+ Tests may be updated via php script.
+ Testing time added to reports.
+ New fields in the group report: testing time, percent of correct answers, number of answers.
+ Group report may be saved into local PC.
+ Hide and show all users from the selected group.
+ Any test may be recondite.

Version 2.0 24.10.2005

* Administrator’s control panel is completely reworked
+ Import users list from a text file
+ Database backup and restore
+ Visual adjustment of administration and testing settings
+ Ability to add several tests simultaneously
+ Editing tests settings
+ Additional group reports settings: testing period, scores, ability to display reports only
+ Columns for group reports can be selected visually
+ Export of group reports to CSV files (compatible with MS Excel)
+ Detailed testing log in user reports
+ Ability to use regular expressions in 3-rd type questions, both POSIX and Perl regular expressions are supported
* “View questions” and “Test IDs” are included into the menu
- Text of user answers was not saved
- When analyzing answers to a 3-rd type question, case-sensitive check was always used
- Other bugs fixed