SunRav TestOfficePro – quick start


  1. Create a folders on the server:
    //Severname/Tests – folder for tests
    //Severname/Groups - folder for testing results,
    Servername - your server PC name
  2. Create a folders in //Severname/Groups   folder. This folders will store a user's results. For example:
    //Severname/Groups/Group 1
    //Severname/Groups/Group 2
    //Severname/Groups/Group 3

  3. Create a folders in //Severname/Tests   folder. This folders will store a tests. For example:

  4. Setup tTester on user's PCs.
  5. Start tTester.
  6. Press F2, key to open settings dialog. This dialog are protected by password. The default password is 123.
  7. Select Group files location tab.
  8. Type path to the base group folder. In our case it's //Severname/Groups/.
  9. Select Use base folder checkbox.
  10. Select Test files location tab.
  11. Type path to the base test folder. In our case it's //Severname/Tests/.
  12. Select Use base folder checkbox.
  13. Press OK button to confirm changes.

User's PC is ready to work.

Tests creation

To create a test:

  1. Setup SunRav TestOfficePro.
  2. Start tMaker – Start/SunRav TestOfficePro 6/tMaker.
  3. Create some questions or import a test.
  4. Press F10 button to set up test properties.
  5. Press OK to confirm changes.
  6. Select File|Save as... menu item and save the test file in one of a folder creaed in Step 3 of Begining part.
    For example it's: //Severname/Tests/English folder.

Your test is ready to use.

Creation of the user's accounts

To create user's account:

  1. Start tAdmin – Start/SunRav TestOfficePro 6/tAdmin.
  2. tAdmin is protected by password.The default password is empty – just press OK button or Enter key.
  3. For first start dialog will appear. Press Yes to create a new group of users and go to the Step 5.
  4. Select Groups|Add group menu item.
  5. Standard "Select a folder dialog" will appear. Select one of group folder created on Step 3 of Begining part.
    For example it's //Severname/Groups/Group 1 folder.
  6. Select just created group in "Groups" list.
  7. Select "User|New user..." menu item or press Ctrl+N keys.
  8. "New user dialog" will appear. Fill in the dialog fields (the password may be empty).
  9. Press Add button to create new user account.
  10. Repeat Steps 8-9 if it's necessary. Note: you can not create more then 3 user's groups and 10 user's acoounts in the unregistered demo version. The full version have not this limitations.
  11. Press Close button.
  12. New user's acconts will appear in "Users" list.