Specify the Source folder to take files to be backed up from.
Specify the Target folder to save the backup file to.
Select the Backup creation method. The options here are:
Always create a new file
Overwrite an existing file. If this method is selected, you should specify the name of the file.
If the Always create a new file method is selected, you should also specify some parameters for the backup file:
Password – allows you to encrypt the backup file so that you will need the password to recover it.
Confirm password – the backup will be created only if the passwords coincide.
Mask – only files fitting the mask will be included in the backup. For example, the mask *.srr selects files with test results, the mask *.srt selects files with tests, while the mask *.sr? selects files with both test results and tests.
You can also specify what will be included the file name: