tMaker :: Test Verification

Test Verification

Each time when you save a test, tMaker verifies the accuracy of certain settings. If the test contains any gross errors, it cannot be saved. Test with minor errors can be saved and used, but may have some inconsistencies.

If the test contains no errors, it will be saved without displaying any messages. If any errors are found, the warning window will be displayed. This window contains the list of errors and their descriptions. Each [Error] line stand for a gross error, and each [Warning] line - for a minor one.

There are the following types of gross errors:

  1. [Error] Test must have a title - fill out the Title field in the test properties window
  2. [Error] Too many answers (number of questions) in examination mode (topic) - The specified topic contains less questions than is required by the examination mode settings.
  3. [Error] Type of the test is not selected - select the test type in the test properties window.

The minor errors include:

  1. [Warning] Text of wrong message is missing - you have chosen to display a message if the user gives an erroneous answer, but the message field is empty.
  2. [Warning] Text of right message is missing - you have chosen to display a message if the user provides the correct answer, but the message field is empty.
  3. [Warning] Question #N have not selected right answers  - you need check one right answer at least for N question.

You can disable the accuracy check by clearing the Display warnings checkbox in the options window.