Use automatic selection - this option enables/disables the automatic selection
Show buttons - clear this checkbox if you want to hide the toolbar. This can be useful for the least experienced users, who may press a wrong button and do something they do not want to (e.g. quit the test before the testing is over).
Automatically change the question pane height - if this option is enabled, the height of the pane in which the question is displayed will be automatically change to make the entire question visible.
Hide "Program settings" from the main window – if this option is on, there will be no button opening the program settings in the main window.
Highlight answer - enable/disable the selected answer highlighting.
Use the Language drop-down box to select the interface language.
Use the Skin drop-down box to select a skin (to modify the program's appearance).
Multimedia window position - the multimedia window may be placed as follows:
Auxiliary window position - this window has the same options as the multimedia window.
Automatic selection color - the color used to highlight the selected answer. This option is available only if the Highlight answer checkbox is marked.