tTester :: Command Line Usage Samples

Command Line Usage Samples

The following list contains the most commonly used command prompt usage scenarios.

Scenario 1

The program starts with the maximized window. Immediately after the startup the user logon window appears with a specific group already selected. After the user enters his/her login and password and presses OK the specific test loads. After the testing is complete, the program operation is terminated. Users cannot abort the test and quit the program themselves.

Command prompt:

ttester.exe /state Maximized /group 11class /test AlgebraFull /one /noexit

11class - name of the active group in the user logon window, AlgebraFull - the test file name.

Scenario 2

On the program startup the user logon window appears with a specific group selected. After the user enters his/her login, password and presses OK, the test selection window appears with a specific topic already selected. After the test is completed, the program is ready for another test to be started. The user can abort the test (all user's actions are logged anyway).

Command prompt:

ttester.exe /group 11class /section Mathematics

11class - name of the active group in the user logon window, Mathematics - the test topic name.

Scenario 3

The simple program start. automatic selection is enabled. The selected answer is highlighted with the light gray color. The automatic question window height is disabled. The main menu is hidden. The multimedia window is placed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Command prompt:

ttester.exe /a+ /c+ /h- /autocolor clSilver /menu- /mmpos 2

clSilver is the automatic selection highlighting color, 2 - the multimedia window position.