Possible /autocolor Values
Value |
Meaning |
Value |
Meaning |
clAqua |
Aqua |
clBackground |
Current background color of the Windows desktop |
clBlack |
Black |
clActiveCaption |
Current color of the title bar of the active window |
clBlue |
BLue |
clInactiveCaption |
Current color of the title bar of inactive windows |
clDkGray |
Dark gray |
clMenu |
Current background color of menus |
clFuchsia |
Purplish-red |
clWindow |
Current background color of windows |
clGray |
Gray |
clWindowFrame |
Current color of window frames |
clGreen |
Green |
clMenuText |
Current color of text on menus |
clLime |
Greenish yellow |
clWindowText |
Current color of text in windows |
clLtGray |
Light gray |
clCaptionText |
Current color of the text on the title bar of the active window |
clMaroon |
Dark brownish-red |
clActiveBorder |
Current border color of the active window |
clNavy |
Dark blue |
clInactiveBorder |
Current border color of inactive windows |
clOlive |
Olive |
clAppWorkSpace |
Current color of the application workspace |
clPurple |
Purple |
clHighlight |
Current background color of selected text |
clRed |
Red |
clHightlightText |
Current color of selected text |
clSilver |
Silvery |
clBtnFace |
Current color of a button face |
clTeal |
Greenish blue |
clBtnShadow |
Current color of a shadow cast by a button |
clWhite |
White |
clGrayText |
Current color of text that is dimmed |
clYellow |
Yellow |
clBtnText |
Current color of text on a button |
clBtnHighlight |
Current color of the highlighting on a button |
clInactiveCaptionText |
Current color of the text on the title bar of an inactive window |
cl3DDkShadow |
Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements |
clInfoText |
Text color for tool tip controls |
clInfoBk |
Background color for tool tip controls |
cl3DLight |
Light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source) |